Jehovah God of the Old Testament is Jesus Christ of the New Testament

By Bishop S. C. Johnson




Jesus Christ is the Father, Son and Holy Ghost and beside Him there is no other God.  The scriptures given below will prove Him to be so.


  1.  GENESIS 1:1 - In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
  2.  CORINTHIANS 10:4 - Jesus is the Rock...
  3.  PSALMS 18:31- And the Rock was God.
  4.  II CORINTHIANS 11:2 - Jesus was the one Husband,
  5.  JEREMIAH 31:32 - And the one Husband was God.
  6.  MATTHEW 23:8 - Jesus is the one Master.
  7.  MALACHI 1:6 - And the Master is God.
  8.  JOHN 10:14 - Jesus was the One Shepherd,
  9.  ISAIAH 40:11- And the shepherd was God.
  10.  ACTS 4:12 - Jesus was the One Saviour,
  11.  ISAIAH 45:21 - And the one Saviour was God.
  12.  LUKE 1:68 – Jesus was the One Redeemer
  13.  ISAIAH 41:14 – And the One Redeemer was God.
  14.  REVELATION 19:13 – Jesus was the Word of God
  15.  JOHN 1:1 – The Ward was God
  16.  REVELATION 19:16 – Jesus was the Lord of Lords
  17.  DEUTERONOMY 10:17 – And the Lord of Lords was God
  18.  1 CORINTHIANS. 2:8 – Jesus was the Lord of Glory 
  19.  ZECHARIAH 14:9 – Jesus is the Lord all over the whole earth. (One Name)
  20.  ACTS 4:12 – There is no other Name given among men whereby you must be saved.
  21.  PHILIPPIANS 2:10 – Every knee must bow to Jesus.
  22.  ISAIAH 45:23 – Every knee must bow to God.
  23.  JOHN 1:3, 10 – Jesus was the One Creator
  24.  HEBREWS 3:3,4 – And the One Creator was God.
  25.  COLOSSIANS 1:18 – Jesus is the One head.
  26.  1 CHRONICLES 29:11 – And the One Head was God.
  27.  JOHN 1:49 - Jesus was the King of Israel.
  28.  ISAIAH 44:6 - And the King of Israel was God.
  29.  JOHN 8:58 - Jesus was the Great I Am.
  30.  EXODUS 3:14 - And the I Am is God.
  31.  JOHN 8:24 - Jesus was the I Am He.
  32.  DEUTERONOMY 32:39 - And the I Am He was God. 


  1. ISAIAH 35:4,5,6 - If Jesus Christ is not God, when shall God come?
  2. MATTHEW 11:5 - And who did the work of God?
  3. LUKE 1:68 - If Jesus Christ is not God, when did God visit and redeem His people?
  4. JOHN 1:10 - If Jesus Christ is not God, when was God who made the world in the world?
  5. LUKE 1:35; MATTHEW 1:20 - If God and the Holy Ghost are two separate persons, which one is the father of Jesus? For the scriptures say, God is His Father, and the scripture says the Holy Ghost is His father. Did He have two fathers?
  6. ISAIAH 7:14 - If Jesus Christ is not God, when will Isaiah's prophecy be fulfilled?
  7. MATTHEW 1:23 - And when was God with us?
  8. MATTHEW 19:17; JOHN 10:11 - If Jesus Christ is not God, then we must say that He is not good.
  9. JOHN 14:9 - If Jesus Christ is not God, why did He tell Philip "He that hath seen me hath seen the Father?
  10. JOHN 20:28 - If Jesus Christ is not God, why did Thomas call Him "My Lord and my God?
  11. I TIMOTHY 3:16 - If Jesus Christ is not God, when was God manifested in the flesh?
  12. I JOHN 3:16; St. John 3:16 - If Jesus Christ is not God, when did Godlay down His life?
  13. MATTHEW 4:7 - If Jesus Christ is not God, why did Jesus say to the devil when the devil was tempting Jesus, "It is written again, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God?"
  14. MATTHEW 4:10 – If Jesus is not God, who should we sorship jesus or God? We can only worship one.
  15. TITUS 2:13 - If Jesus Christ is not God, who was Paul looking for to appear Jesus or God?
  16. ISAIAH 44:24 - Was the Lord the Redeemer who stretched forth the heavens alone and spreadeth abroad the earth by Himself the same Lord that was born in LUKE 2:11?
  17. JEREMIAH 10:10 - If Jesus Christ is not God, is He the Lord for the Lord is the true God? 
  18. REVELATION 1:8 - If Jesus Christ is not God, why did He sayto John, "I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty?"
  19. ISAIAH 9:6 – For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace.

A warning to everyone who reads this pamphlet: Remember the words of Jesus spoken to the unbelieving Jews when they would not believe that He was God that should come, ISAIAH 35:4.  If ye believe not that I am he (God that should come) yes shall die in your sins.


So dear reader, if you do not believe that Jesus is God, you shall die in your sins. JOHN 8:24.





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Paulsboro, NJ 08066



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