We invite you to tune in to our Radio Broadcasts. You will hear the Late Bishop S. C. Johnson, by the way of transcription, and Elder C. D. Campbell, in person, clearly explain the scriptures. They will bring forth such topics as: Does the Bible Speak of the Hour of Decision? Is the Godhead Plural? Does the Inspired Scriptures mention the word Trinity? Are there any scriptures, references, or Biblical accounts where anyone was ever baptized Father, Son, and Holy Ghost? What is the Church? How does one get into the church? What are the qualifications of an Apostolic Bishop?
These, and many other controversial questions will be answered as you listen to any of the broadcasts listed below.
800 on the AM dial
9:00 to 10:00 PM. (EST)
FROM 9:00 TO 10:00 P.M.
Philadelphia, PA Area.
830 on the AM dial or 105.5 on the FM dail each Saturday evening in the Menphis Tennessee area from 7:30 to 8:30 pm (EST) each Sarurday evening.
Also you may go to the internet at Wilkins Radio and click on the WUMY Radio Station link at the same time.
1590 on the AM Dail, 5:00 to 6PM (EST)
Covering the Baltimore , MD Areas
WWW.WHR.org on Angel 1 at 1900 (online) UTC 3:00 PM. (EST)
For your program which is 9:00 PM local time into central Africa. Your program will be heard in Nigeria, Mali, Ghana, Togo, Benin, Central African Republic, Cameroon and the Democratic Republic of
Congo just to name a few.
Shortwave 13570 on the Dial.
Reaching much of the Globe 1:00 to 2:00 PM. EST.
Also you may hear us on the internet at WWW.WINB.com at the same time .
Or you can call 712-432-7752 and hear us on the phone the same time.