jesus christ church
jesus christ church

About Us

The Church of the Lord Jesus Christ of the Apostolic Faith, of Paulsboro, where we believe, preach and practice what has been taught by the Apostles.  We are still contending for the faith that was once delivered unto the saints according to Jude 3 and has been preached by the late Apostle, Bishop S. C. Johnson, who is the founder of our way


Our purpose is to continue in the things which we have learned, and assured of knowing of whom we have learned them, according to 2 Timothy 3:14. 


Elder C. D. Campbell is the presiding Elder of our congregation.  His purpose is to bring the people into the remembrance of the late Apostle, Bishop S. C. Johnson and his ways, which be in Christ as he taught everhwere in every church, according to 1 Corinthians 4:17.


May God Bless and Keep you is our prayer to God for you.

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© 2025 The Church of The Lord Jesus Christ of the Apostolic Faith, of Paulsboro